Toby Knapp

Toby Knapp

Dive into the captivating universe of Toby Knapp! Experience his authentic life story, engage on social media, revel in exclusive interviews,...Full Bio


#DREAMS: Your INSANE dreams could become a DREAM VACATION for you!

We’ve been having more dreams in the past year than ever!

Have you wonder what your vivid, strange or memorable dreams actually mean? Us too.

So is here to help you make sense of your recent wild dreams and send you on a summer vacation based completely on an expert’s interpretation of YOUR minds inner workings while you dream. 

Five dreamers will be selected for a virtual consultation with our expert dream interpreters, Anna Toonk and Nina Endrst of The SoulUnity, to learn their dream’s true meaning andwhere they should travel based on their odd nighttime musings.

The dreamers will also score $5,000 on and get upgraded to Gold Status to turn their dream-cation into a reality. 

To have your dreams interpreted visit now through Thursday May 27 at 5 p.m. ET to reveal in detail the most vivid, wild dream you’ve had the past year(the more detail the better!) for the chance to get rewarded with your literal dream vacation.

Who knows, maybe that dream of you being lost as a kid in the grocery store is a sign you need to go find yourself by exploring the beaches of Bora Bora!


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