While some parents may be sad for summer to end and for their kids to go back to school, a group of mom friends in Florida did not have that feeling on the first day of the new school year. These four mothers in Minneola actually celebrated the morning with a funny back-to-school photo shoot that shows their true feelings. And it’s gone viral on Facebook because so many can relate.
Bridget Brown, Shawna Genua, Jennifer Patterson, and Robyn Kellyhave 18 kids between them and they’re all working moms, so they were counting down the days until school started. And when they finally made it through the busy summer, these women were ready to relax a bit after dropping the kiddos off at school. Shawna is a photographer and came up with the idea to put a “fun spin” on the traditional back-to-school photos - you know, the ones showing the actual kids - by having the moms pose for their own.
They met in Bridget’s driveway, dressed in jammies, robes, and slippers, and filled wine glasses with fruit punch - hey, it was still morning - and smiled for the camera with wine bottles and even a first day of school chalkboard sign that also read #ByeFelicia. The moms admit they do miss their children and hope they’re doing well at school, but the pictures show their real joy at being child-free for a few hours a day.