Your Biggest Relationship Strength Based On Your Zodiac Sign IS…

Those into astrology think our zodiac signs can tell a lot about us—our personality, the type of career that fits us best…the right and WRONG person to date. But are they correct when it comes to love? “Thought Catalog” compiled a rundown of our relationship style…by zodiac sign.See how true these are for you!

  • Aries: Passion is your middle name, and there’s nothing wrong with that. You keep that heart on the line no matter what because you believe in your relationship.

Taurus: You’re a fighter and you won’t go out without putting up one,as long as your partner fights for you, too.

  • Gemini: You walk into all situations with an open mind and you’re willing to try anything, even if that includes skydiving for your love.
  • Cancer: The heart is soft, and that’s not a bad thing. You don’t have a cold shoulder when forgiveness is needed.
  • Leo: You’re the person to lean on, when that extra shoulder is needed. You’re mature far beyond your years, always reliable and keep a level head.
  • Virgo: You put 100% of your effort into everything you do. You never half-ass relationships.
  • Libra: You’re an excellent listener and a skilled problem solver.
  • Scorpio: You’re affectionate. You make everyone around you feel appreciated.
  • Sagittarius: You can makeanyoneYou can put anyone in a better mood.
  • Capricorn: You’re blunt. You never send mixed signals or leave anyone guessing.
  • Aquarius: easy to talk to. You keep conversations flowing.
  • Pisces: You have a kind heart. You have a strong sense of empathy.

Source:Thought Catalog

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